Antalet engelskspråkiga läsare som frågar mig om engelska översättningar av mina romaner växer. Nu har jag äntligen nöjet att bekräfta att mina böcker ska bli utgivna på engelska. Debutromanen från 2014, Ögats mörka labyrinter, får den engelska titeln: The Darkest Labyrinth in His Eye. Med ett utgivningsdatum 2016. Det internationella bokförlaget som hanterar distribution och administration av mina engelskspråkiga romaner är baserat i Storbritannien. Mer information kommer.
The number of English-language readers who ask me about English translations of my novels is growing. Now, finally, I have the pleasure to confirm that my books will be published in English. My debut novel from 2014, Ögats mörka labyrinter (Swedish title), is given the English title: The Darkest Labyrinth in His Eye. Release date in 2016. The international publishing house that handles distribution and administration of the English translations of my novels is UK-based. More information to come.
The other day I was greatly saddened to learn that Wes Craven had died. Craven was one of the most significant horror filmmakers for three decades. He re-invented the genre with A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and re-invented it again - and revitalized it - with the SCREAM franchise. No horror filmmaker understood teenagers - young adults - better than Wes Craven. Other career highlights were THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS, THE SERPENT AND THE RAINBOW, and MY SOUL TO TAKE, his last masterpiece. Wes Craven was, and still is, one of my favourite horror filmmakers. I shall miss him. "I tried to make movies where I can honestly say I haven't seen that before and to follow my deepest intuitions and in some cases literally my dreams." - Wes Craven (1939-2015)