lördag 31 december 2016

MR. MANIAC - my new suspense novel

A novelist gets lost in the zone between fiction and reality when real murders of young women appear copied from his latest, still unfinished manuscript.

Title: Mr. Maniac
Release date: 28 June 2017
Publisher: Troubador
ISBN: 978-1788035323
e-ISBN: 978-1788031448

Someone is murdering female students at a university in northern England. Among the victims is a Swedish girl. Kenneth Sorin, a chemical physics doctor and horror suspense novelist, starts his own murky murder investigation with the help of his cat and his new mysterious girlfriend. The girlfriend turns out to be a spy and secret agent for SCDX, a shadowy international law enforcement organisation. Meanwhile, Kenneth receives strange telephone calls: an old lady who died ten years ago phones the author from her grave, encouraging him to look inside himself for the truth. 

The tracks lead Kenneth to the world of science and mysticism, including a meeting with a professor in Paris. He discovers bizarre elements in his own fiction writing. In addition, he happened to meet the Swedish girl twice: the same evening she was stabbed to death, and a year earlier, in connection with a trip to Sweden. Could he be the killer himself? Is the author a psychotic fictional character who stepped out of his own book?

Mr. Maniac is more than a straight translation of the original Swedish-language edition. It's a reworked story, 25% longer than the Swedish original, features several new scenes and plot points. It's therefore, in many ways, a different, richer book.

tisdag 27 december 2016

Snapshot From the Vast Sea of Books #5

Some writers are unable to write a disappointing book. Such a writer is Bentley Little. His early book The Mailman is downright fantastic - one of my most memorable reading experiences 2016. Consider me a fan.  

Happy Festive Season - New Books 2017

Happy Festive Season, everybody!

New books 2017 I look forward to reading include Dean Koontz's The Silent Corner, Robin Cook's Charlatans, and Christopher Golden's Ararat.

My own new suspense novel, Mr. Maniac, to be published by Troubador, is scheduled for a June 2017 release, and will be available both as paperback and eBook. More info about Mr. Maniac will be posted here in due course. 

fredag 9 december 2016

Snapshot From the Vast Sea of Books #4

Jack Ketchum's Ladies' Night. Also one of my best reads of the year 2016.

söndag 20 november 2016

Snapshot From the Vast Sea of Books #3

Suffer the Children (John Saul) and Shutter Island (Dennis Lehane) - to me, another two great reads this year.

onsdag 16 november 2016

Snapshot From the Vast Sea of Books #2

There are so many terrific stories in Joe Hill's collection 20th Century Ghosts, it's difficult to pick a favourite. "The Cape", "Bobby Conroy Comes Back From the Dead" and "My Father's Mask" are superb. I also love the opening piece, "Best New Horror", and "Scheherazade's Typewriter". Smashing stuff! 

lördag 12 november 2016

Snapshot From the Vast Sea of Books #1

David Morrell's Long Lost is the best book I've read this year so far.

lördag 25 juni 2016

Horror Master John Carpenter visits UK (London, Manchester and Bristol) for Halloween event 2016

John Carpenter, master horror filmmaker and film music composer, will perform live a musical retrospective of his horror soundtrack work, including his debut studio album Lost Themes, and brand-new compositions. As all horror movie fans know, John Carpenter created the soundtracks for nearly all of his own films, e.g. Halloween, Escape From New York, Assault on Precinct 13, They Live, Vampires, The FogChristine, Prince of Darkness, or The Ward, his last film to date.

Among the many fine and memorable soundtracks that John Carpenter composed, my absolute favourite is the one for Prince of Darkness.

The UK events - four performances by John Carpenter in person - will take place in three cities:

Bristol: 23 Oct 2016; venue: Colston Hall
Manchester: 28 Oct & 29 Oct 2016; venue: The Albert Hall
London: 31 Oct 2016; venue: The Roxy

The John Carpenter musical retrospective tour is an extensive US and European tour. Other European cities on the tour are Copenhagen, Denmark; Barcelona, Spain; Neuchâtel, Switzerland; Helsinki, Finland; Oslo, Norway; Turin, Italy; Rome, Italy; Malmö, Sweden; Dublin, Ireland; Vienna, Austria; Oberhausen, Germany, and Paris, France.  

For details, see the official John Carpenter website:


lördag 21 maj 2016

A welcome return to top form for Paul Verhoeven

The new film by Paul Verhoeven, one of my favourite filmmakers, is currently playing at Cannes International Film Festival. His thriller Elle is in competition for the top award The Golden Palm (Palme d'Or). I can't wait for the UK release.

So far, my top-6 Paul Verhoeven films are, in arbitrary order:

Hollow Man
Total Recall
Basic Instinct
Starship Troopers
The Fourth Man
Flesh and Blood

I do want to make space for RoboCop among the top-6, and if I made the mini-list on another day, RoboCop might be on it.

Voices from the film world on Elle:

"This thriller is Paul Verhoeven at his very best and Isabelle Huppert gives the performance of a lifetime. Elle promises to be a hit with audiences."
- Sony Pictures

"A striking return for the Dutchman. We didn't dare dream of such an audacious, generous film."
- Cahiers du cinéma, Paris, France

måndag 2 maj 2016

The Neil Gaiman Event in London 25 May - Sold Out

An Evening with Neil Gaiman at Waterstones London Piccadilly, Wednesday 25 May 18:30.

Now Sold Out.

Official website, Waterstones Piccadilly:

Official website, Eventbrite:

No one writes like Gaiman; he's a truly unique voice in modern suspense fiction. My favourite Gaiman novel is probably American Gods.

lördag 16 april 2016

Derby Film Festival 2016 - The Programme Fantastiq Special Guest: Legendary Hammer Horror Actress Barbara Shelley

The retired British actress Barbara Shelley, a top star for Hammer Horror of the 1950s and 60s, is Special Guest at the 2016 edition of Derby Film Festival (the Fantastiq Programme). Barbara Shelley in Conversation takes place on Saturday 7 May, at 15:00. A splendid opportunity for fans to meet and listen to Barbara, now 84.

Official website - Derby Film Festival 2016 - The Fantastiq Programme:

onsdag 6 april 2016

Miscellaneous / Diverse

1) Den tvåspråkiga strukturen hos webbplatsen FantastikThrillerSpace kommer att försvinna. I samband med att min författarkarriär inom den närmaste framtiden lanseras internationellt via ett brittiskt bokförlag blir den här webbplatsen fullständigt engelskpråkig. Hädanefter skriver jag böcker på endast engelska. Min tredje skräck-thriller kommer att ges ut för första gången på mitt brittiska förlag. Mina två tidigare böcker översätts i dagsläget till engelska.  

1) The bi-langual structure of the website FantastikThrillerSpace will soon disappear. In connection with the near-future international launch of my horror suspense books via a British publishing house, FantastikThrillerSpace now becomes a 100% English-language website. From now on, I write books in English only. My books already published in Swedish are being translated into English.  

2) Genom mitt svenska förlag Solentro fick jag veta att arkivbiblioteket Svenska Deckarbiblioteket i Eskilstuna önskar ett (nytt) exemplar av min andra bok, Systerskuggornas dans. Jag undrar var som skett med det exemplar som jag personligen lämnade in på arkivbiblioteket i samband med mitt Sverige-besök i julas. Boken var en tid registrerad på Svenska Deckarbibliotekets webbplats, men inte längre. Är boken stulen? Den enkla situationen har en enkel lösning: arkivbiblioteket ska få ett nytt exemplar av Systerskuggornas dans.

2) Through my Swedish publishing house Solentro, I learned that the Swedish national archive library Svenska Deckarbiblioteket (a national archive of suspense fiction) wants a (new) copy of my second horror suspense novel, Systerskuggornas dans (Swedish title). I wonder what happened to the copy I handed in at the archive library in person, in connection with my visit to Sweden last Christmas. The book was registered at their website earlier (I checked myself), but now it has disappeared. Is the book stolen? The simple situation has a simple solution: the archive library will get another copy.

3) Den amerikanske bestseller-författaren Michael Connelly besöker återigen Storbritannien. Tillställningen med den globala stjärnförfattaren äger rum på The Dancehouse, Oxford Road, Manchester, måndag 17 oktober 2016. Michael Connelly's böcker har hittills sålt i 60 miljoner exemplar.

3) International superstar author Michael Connelly returns to the UK for an event at The Dancehouse, Oxford Road, Manchester, Monday 17 October 2016. Michael Connelly's suspense novels have sold 60 million copies worldwide.  

4) Poeten Lennart Fundin (min farbror) har skrivit hundratals (om inte något tusental) dikter under flera decennier. Lennart Fundin, sedan länge bosatt i Åmål, Dalsland, har bland annat publicerat texter i en lokaltidning och offentligt hjälpt den lokala allmänheten med julklappsrim. Ett urval av författarens bästa poem (73 stycken) har nyligen givits ut i bokform: In- och utfall. ISBN: 978-91-88159-08-3. Förlag Hede. Boken kan beställas från Förlag Hede Ord & Ton, Box 4, 840 93 Hede, eller via e-post: ordochton@yahoo.se

4) The Swedish poet Lennart Fundin (my uncle) has written hundreds (if not around a thousand) poems in the last few decades. Among many things, Lennart Fundin has published texts in a Swedish local paper and officially helped the local public with rhymes for Christmas gifts. Now a selection of some of the author's best poems has been released in book form (Swedish language), comprising 73 poems: Collection title: In- och utfall. ISBN: 978-91-88159-08-3. Publisher: Förlag Hede. The book can be ordered from Förlag Hede Ord & Ton, P.O. Box 4, SE- 840 93 Hede, Sweden, or via e-mail: ordochton@yahoo.se   

Reproducerad här med tillstånd från författaren / Reproduced here with permission from the author:
Den första dikten ur In- och utfall / The first poem from In- och utfall:


Ni har väl upptäckt

att segaste släktet
är vandraren på ett

Man skrider så stilla

och verkar inbilla
sig här är det fritt
för mannen med frilla

Bilisten står stilla

och lider
får svårt med
att passa tider

Copyright Ó Lennart Fundin 2015

torsdag 21 januari 2016

Nyårslöftet 2016 redan brutet / The New Year's Resolution 2016 already broken

My New Year's Resolution 2016 was to read one book at a time. Now I'm reading six books simultaneously. Old habits die hard.

There are millions of books in the vast sea of literature. Even an avid reader who gets through a hundred books a year, and is fortunate to live for a hundred years, will read only a minuscule fraction of available books. As a reader, I enjoy looking backwards as well as forward through the variegated landscape of the printed word. And I love to re-read old books. That's why we collect books, isn't it? To re-read stories we've read a nonspecific number of times before. Particularly true regarding novels by our favourite authors.

I'm currently reading from the back catalogue:

Dragon (Clive Cussler)
Shapeshifter (J. F. Gonzalez) (re-read)
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (Stephen King) (new release)
Ghouls (Edward Lee)
The House of Blood (Bryan Smith)
Lightning (Dean Koontz) (re-read)

söndag 17 januari 2016

Guillermo del Toros filmer en fröjd för ögat / Guillermo del Toro’s films a feast for the eyes

Bland alla filmregissörer och författare jag har haft nöjet att träffa och lyssna till i samband med diverse tillställningar, är den mexikanske filmskaparen och konstutövaren Guillermo del Toro förmodligen den mest excentriska personligheten. Platsen: Odeon West End, London. Ett entusiastiskt tal välkryddat med svordom (det välkända F-ordet). Effekten är komisk, minst sagt. Han skämtar till och med om den egna (överviktiga) kroppshyddan. Del Toro, en extremt passionerad regissör som älskar monsterfilmer (vilket resulterat i, exempelvis, Mimic, Pacific Rim, Blade 2), samtidigt som han demonstrerar en stark vilja att skapa personliga, politiskt laddade äventyr (Devil’s Backbone, Pans labyrint). Jag vill påstå att hans senaste film, Crimson Peak, är en av de visuellt snyggaste filmer som gjorts. Stephen King kallade Crimson Peak ”underbar”, och jag måste faktiskt hålla med om det.
Del Toros filmer – skapade i Hollywood, i Spanien, eller i hemlandet Mexiko – jag älskar samtliga, men om jag rangordnade dem, skulle listan se ut på följande sätt i dagsläget:


Från min filmsamling / From my film collection: Guillermo del Toro signerade omslaget till mitt DVD-exemplar av hans mexikanska kultförklarade skräckfilm CRONOS. / Guillermo del Toro signed the DVD cover of my copy of his Mexican cult horror movie CRONOS. 


Among all film directors and writers I’ve had the pleasure to meet and listen to in connection with various events, the Mexican filmmaker and artist Guillermo del Toro is probably the most eccentric personality. The venue: Odeon West End, London. An enthusiastic speech peppered with a particular swear word (the famous F-word). The effect is comical, to say the least. He even jokes about his own overweight body. Del Toro, an extremely passionate director who loves monster movies (resulting in, e.g., Mimic, Pacific Rim, Blade 2), while simultaneously demonstrating a strong commitment to creating personal, politically-charged adventures (The Devil's Backbone, Pan's Labyrinth). I would say that his latest film, Crimson Peak, is one of the visually most beautiful movies ever made. Stephen King called Crimson Peak "wonderful," and I actually agree with that.

Del Toro's movies – created in Hollywood, in Spain, or in his native Mexico – I love them all, but if I ranked them, the list today would look like the following:


söndag 3 januari 2016

De 25 bästa spänningsböckerna 2015 / The 25 best suspense books 2015

"Whitley Strieber at his best; part Stephen King, part Dean Koontz, but always Whitley."
– Douglas Preston

En svensk tar en plats i den mördande konkurrensen på min topp-25-lista 2015. De tjugofem spänningsböckerna i godtycklig ordning: / A Swede grabs a place in the extremely tough competition on my top-25 list for 2015. The twenty-five suspense books in no particular order: 

Greg F. Gifune, Orphans of Wonderland, Samhain Publishing
Dean Koontz, Ashley Bell, Bantam Books
Robin Cook, Host, Macmillan
Bentley Little, The Consultant, Cemetery Dance Publications
Stephen King, Finders Keepers, Hodder & Stoughton
Joe R. Lansdale, Paradise Sky, Mulholland Books
Ed Gorman, Elimination, Severn House
Whitley Strieber, Alien Hunter: Underworld, Tor Books/Macmillan
Robert McCammon, The Border, Subterranean Press
Dan Simmons, The Fifth Heart, Sphere
Ramsey Campbell, Think Yourself Lucky, PS Publishing
John Ajvide Lindqvist, Rörelsen : den andra platsen, Ordfront Förlag
Simon Clark, Cold Legion, Endeavour Press
Joe McKinney, The Dead Won’t Die, Kensington Publishing
Douglas Preston, The Kraken Project, Tor/Forge
Jeremy Robinson, Freeman, Breakneck Media
Kim Newman, Secrets of Drearcliff Grange School, Titan Books
Shaun Hutson, Monolith, Caffeine Nights Publishing
Clive Barker, Tonight, Again, Subterranean Press (novellsamling / collection) 
Gary A. Braunbeck, Halfway Down the Stairs, JournalStone (novellsamling / collection)
Jonathan Maberry, Predator One, St. Martin's Griffin
Christopher Golden, Dead Ringers, Headline
Jeffrey J. Mariotte, Empty Rooms, WordFire Press
Simon Wood, The One That Got Away, Thomas & Mercer
Graham Masterton, Plague of the Manitou, Severn House