Bousman berättade fängslande om drömfabriken Hollywoods inre maskineri, där mäktiga producenter styr och ställer. Vidare beskrev han sina egna, konstnärliga, visioner som filmskapare, bortom drömfabrikens kommersiella ideal. Repo! The Genetic Opera är ett artistiskt mästerverk, och Bousmans kanske mest personliga film hittills. När jag frågade honom om Saw-filmerna, uttryckte han att hans andra (seriens tredje) var hans bästa. Jag håller med. Trean är den rikaste och snyggaste Saw-filmen, och har dessutom den klart längsta speltiden av de totalt 7 filmerna i serien.
A privilege to meet horror film director Darren Lynn Bousman and right here in my home city, Sheffield (The Showroom Cinema, Paternoster Row, Sheffield City Centre). Bousman made history with three consecutive No. 1 in their opening week at the US box office (Saw 2, 3 and 4, respectively, three years in a row). No other director has matched that feat.
Bousman told captivatingly about the dream factory Hollywood's internal machinery, where powerful producers rule. Furthermore, he described his own artistic visions as a filmmaker, beyond the dream factory's commercial ideals. Repo! The Genetic Opera is an artistic masterpiece, and maybe Bousman's most personal film to date. When I asked him about the Saw movies, he expressed without hesitation that his second (Saw 3) was his best. I agree. Number three is the richest and the most stylish Saw film, and it also has by far the longest run time among the seven films in the series.